June 25, 2009

Don't raise your voice - improve your argument

There is a lot of activity going on in the academic world regarding research into aspects of Peace and Conflict. A lot of it is good stuff, though I fear there may be repetition as each country seems intent on doing their own thing. Most of them would welcome new members, so if you are interested get in touch.

Here is a selection of Peace Institutes worldwide. There may be more and I would be grateful if you could forward me details if you are aware of any.

Flanders: www.flemishpeaceinstitute.eu
Catalonia: www.gencat.cat/index_eng.htm
Oslo, Norway: www.prio.noƅland, Finland:www.peace.ax/index.php?lang=en
Ireland: www.irishpeaceinstitute.org
Frankfurt, Germany: www.prif.org
Bonn, Germany: www.bicc.de
Stockholm, Sweden: www.sipri.org
Tampere, Finland: www.uta.fi/tapri/eindex.html
Slovenia: www2.mirovni-institut.sieindex.htm
Bradford, England: www.brad.ac.uk/acad/peace/
Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies, India:www.ipcs.org
Oregon, USA: www.orpeace.us
California, USA: www.praxispeace.org
Washington, USA: www.fundforpeace.org
Einstein, USA: www.aeinstein.org
Institute of Peace, USA: www.usip.org
Hiroshima: http://serv.peace.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp
Toda Institute, Japan: www.toda.org
International Peace Institute:www.ipacademy.org

There are open meetings at the the ministry for peace in the UK. It has cross party political support and is working towards the creation of a Ministry of Peace within government. They have had a huge amount of success, but they’re not there yet. Help is still needed, so maybe you could take a look at their website and join up www.ministryforpeace.org The mfp was started by an ordinary person, Diana Basterfield. They are dedicated to transforming violence in all its forms and need ordinary people like us to help move the ‘Make Violence History’ message upwards and outwards.

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